2015년 7월 12일 일요일

Dancing Queen 2

Dancing Queen 오디션 당일.

I introduce our team name, "김치 Boys!!"

"김치 Boys" were at West Vancouver Community Centre to practice last for an audition today. 

We practiced the dance in front of windows of the swimming pool. Hoon recommended us practice there.

I was nervous. Lots of people in the swimming pool saw us. But, time went by I became comfortable. Even I could enjoy that the audiences were looking at me.

I realized that once I overcame the nervousness, my dancing was better than before. 

그리고 오디션의 순간!!! 이미 긴장된 순간을 극복한 경험은 무사히 오디션을 마칠 수 있게 해 줬다.
이제 한 계단 올라 왔으니! 다시 한 계단 올라갈 준비를 하자!

Practice makes perfect.

주변자원의 활용.
"없는게 아니고 안보이는 것이다."
"안 보이는게 아니고 안보려고 하는 것이다."

연습은 실전처럼.

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